Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Third Annual Conference of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project


 The third annual conference of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project.

The Maryland Lynching Memorial Project's annual "Lynching in Maryland" conference will be held online this year due to the ongoing public health emergency. This will be the third year we have presented this program.

This year's conference will be held:

Saturday, October 17, 2020
10a to 12.30p.

One of this year's keynote speakers will be Michael Pfeifer, Ph.D., Professor of History at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate 

For more information on the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project visit the organizations webpage,



Monday, September 28, 2020

NPR Talks to Dr. Charles Chavis Jr., of the Maryland Lynching Truth & Reconciliation Commission

 NPR's Ailsa Chang talks to Charles Chavis Jr. of the Maryland Lynching Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which is beginning its two-year investigation of the state's harrowing history of lynching.

This broadcast aired on the NPR news show, All Things Considered on September 28, 2020.  Click here to listen to the broadcast news piece

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Beginning the Journey From Truth to Reconciliation: Cecil County

Between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of World War II, more than 5,000 Black Americans were victims of racial terror lynchings in the United States. No fewer than 40 of these crimes were committed in Maryland, including at least two in Cecil County.
The process of working to form a committee in Cecil County started on March 27, 2019, when the Harford County Committee of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project first met.  As a large group of interested stakeholders attended the public gathering in Bel Air to discuss lynching in Harford County, the group agreed to also support and courage the establishment of a similar group in Cecil County.
These efforts are an outgrowth of that work.
Will Schwarz, chairman of the state committee, welcomes the audience
Will Schwarz, chairman of the state committee, welcomes the audience at Harford Community College.
Dr. Iris Barnes, chair for the Harford County Committee, welcomes about 40 people to the first meeting
 in Bel Air.

Third Annual Conference of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project

    The third annual conference of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project . The Maryland Lynching Memorial Project's annual "Lynch...